Applies azimuth and vertical angles to geophone trace headers from a bhod.lst file. The command line arguments are:
 btor lstfil, prfx, isw1 maxtr
 lstfil  =input list file name (ex. bhod.lst) 
 prfx    =*.seg file prefix (one character) 
 isw1    =up/down switch 
       -1=apply to *.lst file and one less 
       +1=apply to *.lst file and one more 
        0=IF VERTICAL IMPACT source 
 maxtr   =maximum number of traces in shot record 
        6= 3 components down-hole, 3 ref-phone
        7= 3 down, 3 ref-phone, 1 load cell
        [if file number (col. 1 of bhod.lst) is 005 
        and isw1=-1, the azimuth and vertical angle 
        also applied to file 004] 
        [if file is 005 and isw1=+1, azi and vert 
        applied to 006 also]

A summary of the flow is this:
