Example of BTOR

Consider a single depth station for illustration. There may actually be 100 or more depth stations in a single down-hole survey. There are two files in this example: The steps are:
  1. gobhodo This generates the difference between scaled versions of the two source efforts. The scaling is done on the vertical component of the down-hole phone (ch 1 on the author's wiring). File 9 is subtracted from 10. The difference file is renamed as h010009.seg
  2. gorunbhod Program bhod is run to analyze file h010009.seg and produces files:
    h0010.plt.ps, bhod.lst
    These are the hodogram plot and a file with the determined phone orientations (R and T downhole)

    The command in the script for this depth is:
    bhod h010009.seg 2 3 50 90.0 180.0 +90.0
    Ch 2 is R and Ch 3 is T component downhole. 50 percent max amplitudes used in analysis 90 deg is source azimuth (ie E-W) and bowspring, R-phone observation is close to 180 degrees. The downhole phone is wired for +90 degrees between R and T components

  3. BTOR This program inserts the orientations of the phone azimuths and vertical orientations into the headers.
    The command in the script for this depth is:
    btor bhod.lst c -1 6
    This command will process ALL the cxxx.seg files in the directory (subject to be included in the bhod.lst file).

Renaming btorxxxx.seg files to xxxx.seg

A script to rename the BTOR files in a directory is as follows:

#Script to rename files after btor process
#overwrite pxxx.seg files, p=prefix
# Author: P. Michaels     Date:April 2002   See GNU License

if test "$1" = ”
     echo 'Enter 1 character prefix'
     echo 'Example:  w'
     echo ' for files btorw001.seg, btorw002.seg, etc...'
     read PRFX

 find -name "$PRFX*.seg" |  \
 sed s/'\.\/'/' '/g |       \
 gawk '{print "mv","btor"$1,$1}'   \
chmod +x go-rename
echo "btor files renamed"