Data amplitudes are rescaled by the L2 norm or the peak absolute value. Command line arguments are:
 bequ  infile     tmin   tmax   normsel  
     infile   =  input file name
     tmin     =  gate: minimum time (s) 
     tmax     =  gate: maximum time (s) 
     normsel  =  select normalization 
             2=  L2 Norm   
             0=  Peak abs(Value) 
  NOTE: Default is normsel=2 
  No interactive prompt for normsel
  (Must be specified on command line)

Figure 75 illustrates how BEQU helps compensate for the wide range of amplitudes in seismic data.

Figure 75: BEQU: (A) original scaling of data, (B) trace equalized with L2 norm. The scale factors for plotting are 40000 for (A) and 8 for (B).