The program can scale a data set by a user provided value, 1/L2 norm, (trace,amplitude) pairs in a file, ampfil, or by the maximum absolute value in the file. The scale factor is found by scanning a limited number of traces defined by itr1 and itrn.
bscl infil itr1 itrn isw1 [ scaler | ampfil ] 
 infil:   =input file name 
 itr1:    =starting trace for determination window
 itrn:    =number of traces to include in window
 isw1:   0=user supplied scale factor  
         1=scale factor from 1/L2 norm 
         2=input file with (trace,ampfactor)
         3=scale factor from Max Abs Value 
 scaler:  =user supplied scale factor (ONLY isw1=0)  
 ampfil:  file name for option (ONLY isw1=2)       
  -  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
  | Converting microvolts to m/s particle velocity | 
  |                                                | 
  |                      VSP Ref.Phone 28Hz Oyo    | 
  |     scalar=4.0978E-8 28Hz Oyo SMC 28-720       | 
  |     scalar=5.6497E-8 14Hz Oyo Phone            | 
  |     scalar=5.0761E-8 10Hz Oyo GS-20DM Phone    | 
  |     scalar=3.2787E-8 10Hz Mark L10-A Phone     | 
  |     scalar=3.2034E-8 08Hz Mark L10-A Phone     | 
  |                                                | 
  |     strain=(part.vel.)/(wave phase vel.)       | 
  -  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Example, use the first 5 traces closest to the source and determine the maximum absolute value, compute a scale factor so that sample with the MAV has a value of unity (1), then apply to all the traces.
bscl c008.seg 1 5 3
Figure 76 shows the first 10 traces for clarity.
bplt bsclc008.seg 4 0 0 1 10 0 .6 1 1 200

Figure 76: BSCL: Scale all traces by the maximum absolute value (MAV) found in the first 5 traces.
   Peak Absolute Value=       192440.8750000000
     Maximum Value= 0.1924E+06     Trace #=    1
                                   Sample #=  101
     Minimum Value= -.1766E+06     Trace #=    1
                                   Sample #=   80
     Scale Factor=  0.5196401E-05