c_bsegy - BSU header format, C-Language Version.
Basic Seismic Utilities (BSU) include file, c_bsegy.h contains the headers definitions.
//...segy header
struct header
long int tsnl; // Trace sequence number within line 01--04
long int tsnt; // Trace sequence number within reel 05--08
long int ofrn; // Original Field Record Number 09--12
long int tnofr; // Trace number original fld record 13--16
long int espn; // Energy Source point number 17--20
long int cdp; // CDP ensemble number 21--24
long int tncdp; // Trace number within CDP ensemble 25--28
short int tic; // Trace ID code (1 = seismic data) 29--30
short int nvs; // Vertical stack fold 31--32
short int nhs; // Horizontal stack fold 33--34
short int duse; // Data use (1=production; 2=test) 35--36
long int idist; // Shotpoint-Receiver distance (m) 37--40
long int irel; // Station elevation (m) 41--44
long int ishe; // Surface elevation of source (m) 45--48
long int ishd; // Source depth (m) 49--52
long int delr; // Datum elevation of receiver 53--56
long int dels; // Datum elevation of source 57--60
long int wds; // Water depth of source 61--64
long int wdr; // Water depth of receiver 65--68
short int smul1; // Scalar multr/divr,bytes 41-68 69--70
short int smul2; // Scalar multr/divr,bytes 73-88 71--72
long int ishlo; // Shotpoint coordinate - x (East+) 73--76
long int ishla; // Shotpoint coordinate - y (North+) 77--80
long int irlo; // Receiver coordinate - x (East+) 81--84
long int irla; // Receiver coordinate - y (North+) 85--88
short int cunits; // Coord. Units (1=m 2=sec. of arc) 89--90
short int wvel; // Weathering velocity (m/s) 91--92
short int swvel; // Subweathering velocity (m/s) 93--94
short int utimes; // Uphole time at source 95--96
short int utimeg; // Uphole time at group 97--98
short int sstati; // Source static correction (ms) 99-100
short int gstati; // Group static 101-102
short int tstati; // Total static 103-104
short int istime; // Lag time A 105-106
short int ibtime; // Lag time B 107-108
short int ictime; // Delay recording time (msec) 109-110
short int mtimes; // Mute start time 111-112
short int mtimee; // Mute end time 113-114
short int length; // Number of samples in this trace 115-116
short int isi; // Sample interval (microsec.) 117-118
short int gaint; // Gain (1=fixed 2=binary 3=float) 119-120
short int gc; // Gain constant 121-122
short int gidb; // Instrument or initial gain in DB 123-124
short int tcorr; // Correlated (1=no; 2=yes) 125-126
short int tsswee; // Start sweep frequency (hz) 127-128
short int teswee; // End sweep frequency (hz) 129-130
short int tsleng; // Sweep length in milliseconds 131-132
short int tstype; // Sweep type 133-134
short int tstts; // Sweep trace taper(msec) at start 135-136
short int tstte; // Sweep trace taper(msec) at end 137-138
short int tttype; // Taper type 139-140
short int aif; // Antialias filter frequency 141-142
short int ais; // Antialias filter slope 143-144
short int nif; // Notch filter frequency 145-146
short int nis; // Notch filter slope 147-148
short int flc; // Low cut frequency 149-150
short int fhc; // High cut frequency 151-152
short int slc; // Low cut slope 153-154
short int shc; // High cut slope 155-156
short int tyear; // Shot Time - year 157-158
short int tday; // Shot Time - day 159-160
short int thour; // Shot Time - hour (24 hour clock) 161-162
short int tmin; // Shot Time - minute of hour 163-164
short int tsec; // Shot Time - second of minute 165-166
short int tbcode; // Time basis code (2 = GMT) 167-168
short int twf; // Trace weigthing factor 169-170
short int ggrp1; // Geoph group roll switch first pos171-172
short int ggtp; // Geoph group trc pos 1 on fld rec 173-174
short int errlt; // Time code translator error light 175-176
short int daca; // Distance-azimuth calc algorithm 177-178
short int edc; // Earth dimension code 179-180
long int mst; // (BSEGY First Break Picks) 181-184
short int shtazi; // Source pol azi (deg) East=90deg 185-186
short int charge; // Charge size in grams 187-188
short int shtver; // Source pol angle (deg.)Down=180 189-190
short int sday; // Shot time - Day 191-192
short int shour; // Shot time - Hour 193-194
short int smin; // Shot time - Minute 195-196
short int sseco; // Shot time - Sec 197-198
short int ssmic1; //long integer splits alignment 199-200
short int ssmic2; //use 2 short integers 201-202
short int azimut; // Azimuth of rec from shot (deg) 203-204
short int geoazi; // Geoph pol Azm of axis (deg) E=90
short int geover; // Geoph pol Vert. deg. Down=180 207-208
long int ttrace; // add to get trace start time 209-212
scrs[4]; |
char deploy[4]; // Deployment
name 217-220
char spname[4]; // Shotpont name 221-224
char rstnam[4]; // Receiver site name 225-228
char shotid[4]; // Shot name 229-232
char lineid[4]; // Line name 233-236
char geoor[4]; // Geophone orientation 237-240
}; /*
| Note: bytes 181-240 are unassigned or for optional use as
| by Berry et al. (1975)-"Digital Tape
Standards"-SEG |
The file is located in bsu-3.0.1/src/C/include/ directory.
c_bsegin(3), c_bsegout(3), in_chk(3)
No known bugs.
Copyright © 2017 by Paul Michaels
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
P. Michaels, PE. <pm@cgiss.boisestate.edu>