Michaels Engineering Geophysics
Dr. Paul Michaels, PE
Boise, Idaho
Open Source Tools for Engineering Geophysics
Email Contact for Consulting: pmsolidx@gmail.com
Email Contact for Academics: paulmichaels@boisestate.edu
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P. Michaels Download Page
Software Download Page
NEW VERSION 3.0.3 Available Here As Source Code Debian *.deb Packages (source+binary) Fedora *.rpm Packages (source+binary) Mingw Cross Compile *.exe Static Binaries
There have been significant improvements with the new version BSU-3.0.3. Linux users are strongly encouraged to compile the source code in /usr/local/src or their favorite place. That way, you can modify or add to the codes.
The DOI versions below are provided only for historical reference, and serve as examples in packaging. They lack many of the new codes and updates.
Jump to Packages
Online Documentation Running BSU
Online Documentation User Guide
Online Documentation HTML MAN PAGES
Downloads Basic Seismic Utilities (BSU) is software for
engineering geophysics. The package includes programs for signal processing and seismic modeling
(Lamb's problem, Near-field, Rayleigh Wave synthetic seismograms).
BSU is designed for extension and further programming. It is written
in Fortran (mixed G77, F90, using gfortran) and C-language. Highly compatible (NO XDR) with Seismic Unix. BSU program bswp.c can toggle between XDR and NO XDR for Seismic Unix compatibility
SeismicUnix Github
BSU Requires or Recommends:
BLAS and LAPACK Linear Algebra Library
GNU Scientific Library
Open Source Plotting Library
Open Source Plotting Library (optional)
- IRIS SEED Libraries
MiniSeed format can now be read by BSU-3.0.3 software.
Debian packages are libmseed2 and libmseed-dev.
Packages for the above can be found for most Linux distributions in either RPM or DEB formats.
Other recommended software includes:
Octave You will need to download
and install Octave or Matlab if you want to run Octave procedures provided with BSU.
XFIG A Computer Aided Drafting
(CAD) program that Octave and PLPLOT interact with
Only the random number generators found in CMLIB have been
included in BSU. This is an extensive Fortran77 library of scientific
and mathematical functions (rather like GSL, but for Fortran programmers).
I don't recommend download of the entire library (over 8Mb gzipped).
Rather, pick what you need from the excellent web page.
Download Software Here
BSU-3.0.3: Select Binaries or Source Code:
Packages and the source tar archive have detached signatures (*.asc files), signed with my
GPG Public Key. To learn more about how to verify files with
a detached signature, see my Security page.
Previous Versions
DOI (Digital Object Identifier) BSU-3.0.2
The entire PREVIOUS versions of Basic Seismic Utilities software archive may be downloaded in *.zip format. The following DOI link is persistent and maintained by Boise
State University. It includes wording for a citation in publications.
BSU-3.0.2 Includes documentation, Source Code, Binary Packages.
Tested on: Debian 10, Ubuntu 20, CentOS 7,8, Slackware, Arch Linux,
Redhat Enterprise, Mac Book Pro, Chrome Book developer mode ARMv7L,
Microsoft Windows 8.1 (MingW Cross Compiled)
218 MB
BSU-3.0.1 Includes documentation, Source Code, limited Binary Packages.
Tested on: Debian 7,8,9, Xubuntu 16.4, Mint 18, Slackware, Arch Linux CentOS 6,7,
Redhat Enterprise, Mac Book Pro, Chrome Book developer mode ARMv7L,
Microsoft Windows 8.1 (MingW Cross Compiled)
Last Revised 15 July 2024