


OCTAVE delaytm.m - Conventional refraction delay time analysis (shot profiles)


delaytm prompts for:

System matrix file, Data file, Elevation file (GUI Entry Box)
Number of shots (GUI Entry Box)
Smoothnes Weight 0<W<1 (the larger W, the poorer the data fit) (GUI Entry Box)
GUI Pop Up Box, Solution for refractor velocity and shot delay times (Click OK)
Plot of receiver delay times
Entry box for overburden velocity (from direct.m for example) (GUI Entry Box)
Plot resolving delay times to structure of refractor. Layers: overburden, refractor
Entry box for a constant surface to refractor alternative (GUI Entry Box)
Plot resolving delay times as velocity of overburden
Entry box for number of constraint equations in system matrix (GUI Entry Box)
Plot showing fit of first breaks for each shot-receiver profile


Basic Seismic Utilities (BSU) program run in Octave or Matlab. This is the normal refraction shooting designed. Inputs to delaytm.m include files generated by program bref. The structure of the system matrix file is shot columns followed by receiver columns followed by the receiver-shot distance column on the far right. Within an octave session, type delaytm and a GUI entry box will pop up with the names of 3 files to process. These include a system matrix (G001), a data vector with observed first arrivals (D001), an elevations file (E001). You may need to change these file names depending on line number used in bref. Additional prompts as shown above. For reciprocal refraction delay time analysis see delaytmR.m.


Message box of receiver delay times on shore
Plot of receiver delay times
Plot of refractor structure below surface. (delay times --> structure)
Alternative Plot of overburden velocity variation (delay times --> overburden velocity)
Plot of receiver stations and observed first arrival times with solid lines predicted by solution.


G001 system matrix (or some other name, depends on line number entered into bref)
First columns are shot columns, then receiver columns, finished by offset column
May include constraint rows at bottom.
D001 observed data (first break, shot station) pairs plus any constraints at bottom.
E001 (receiver number, receiver station, elevation) triplets


bpic(1) bref(1) OCTAVE: segyinfo.m(7) bsegin.m(7) segpic.m(7) delaytmR.m(7) direct.m(7)


No known bugs.


Copyright © 2017 by Paul Michaels

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.


P. Michaels, PE. <>