General Directions

The recommended location to untar the archive file, bsu-3.0.2.tar.gz, is /usr/local/src. There are two major ways to compile BSU software. While some codes will always use GNUPLOT for some graphics, PLPLOT will often result in the best results for those codes that have this as an option. While you could change into directory bsu-3.0.2 and then issue build commands, an alternative is to leave that directory alone and create some alternative build directories that refer back to that directory (see section 2.3.3 below for details. However, if you wish to work in the bsu-3.0.2 directory, these will be the build commands:
configure options if any
make install
sudo ldconfig
(this last command may be needed and directs the system to use the shared libraries that are built)
NOTE: On linux, have the locate command installed and update the database before configure (update db) for best results.