Once an acceptable solution is determined for stiffness and damping by running cainv3 (8.2.7), improved plotting of results are done with this program.
 Running caplot3:
Start an octave session, type caplot3
GUI, show grid?
GUI, enter limits to plot
GUI, only plot data used, or plot all data (recall mouse selection
of range of data to include above)
Plot, save or plot, shows fit and error bars with data observed
GUI, Go to Attenuation?
GUI, select axes limits
Plot, save or plot, shows fit and error bars with data observed
GUI, go to Chi^2 plot?
GUI, select axes limits
Plot shows change in Chi^2 by iteration

Plot Titles show C1, C2, Relaxation time

Figure 32: CAPLOT3: Plot of velocity dispersion, measure and calculated (solid line) only over frequency range used in cainv3 (8.2.7). Weighting by reciprocal of standard deviations.

Figure 33: CAPLOT3: Plot of decay, measure and calculated (solid line) only over frequency range used in cainv3 (8.2.7). Weighting by reciprocal of standard deviations. Relaxation time about 4 msec. Relaxation time is $T_r=\frac {C_2}{C_1}$.