Given a BSEGY (*.seg) down-hole data set with first break pics in the headers (see SEGPIC 6.0.12), this program computes vertical times from the observed slant times. The user uses the mouse to select a start and ending depth, and the vertical velocity is computed. Then the mouse is used to place a label. After all the desired intervals are picked, the user may elect to replot the data using the OCTAVE VPLOT program.
 Start an octave session
   enter file name 
   GUI: choose units         <feet | meters>
   GUI: choose vertical axis <depth | elevation>
   GUI: enter title
   GUI: save to disk ?       <yes | no>   (recommend yes here)
   GUI: do an interval?      <yes | no >
   loop here, use mouse to click start and end depth
   /|\           use mouse to place label with velocity (+/- m/s)
    |           GUI: do another interval? <yes | no >
    |--if yes if no---|
Output Files:
filename.seg.vt and filename.seg.vt2 (required for VPLOT).
