Surface Waves

The surface waves of interest in BSU software are Rayleigh waves. These are a mixture of SV- and P-wave motion that satisfy Hookes law $F = k \cdot x $ and Newton's law of motion, $F = m \cdot a$. The particle motion is largely elliptical and can be measured on both vertical and in-line radial (horizontal) component geophones. BSU codes compute features from seismic data, specifically a dispersion curve. The soil profile representation is 1-D, varying only in depth. Inversion is done in Octave. The difference between SASW (section 8.1.2) and saswv (8.1.3) codes is in the type of file read. SASW read a BSEGY formatted file, saswv reads a text file of cross power spectrum. Program invR1 reads a bvax.his file (see 8.1.1 and 7.0.2).
