The program segpic.m is run in octave to plot each trace and permit picking with a mouse. The output is a file ending in *.pic. Program BPIC can be used to insert the pics into the *.seg file headers. See section 8.4 for an example of using segpic.m in conjunction with datuming program BREF. Also see BPIC 8.4.3.
 Start an octave session, then type
1. prompt for file name, like k007.seg for example.
2. GUI shows number of traces and tmax.
3. GUI prompt for a clip factor and reduced tmax for good
plotting resolution.  Suggest clip factor of 3 and maybe .1 for
tmax, depending on when arrivals come in.
4. GUI page through each trace, using mouse to pic first arrival,
typically a down motion with SEGY polarity conventions.
Pics are output to an ascii *.pic file.  Trace (number, pick time):
1  0.05695853 
2  0.05534562 
3  0.04336406 
4  0.05281106 
5  0.05396313 
for example.

Use program BPIC to insert pics to headers, for example:

  bpic k007.seg 1 k007.pic 0.
The above command would be executed from an terminal, after octave
session is ended.

Figure 12: OCTAVE SEGPIC: Example of a trace for picking with mouse. First arrival refraction is at about 0.055 seconds.