This program plots a single trace to an X11 screen. The command is
 tplt  infile  trace_number tmin tmax 
     infile  = input file name (4char minimum)
     trace_number = trace number to plot      
     tmin = minimum time in seconds 
     tmax = maximum time in seconds
It also outputs a GNUPLOT file, which can be edited or not, and run as a bash script. For example, to create a PDF file of the plot, comment out (insert a # symbol at the beginning of the line) the “set terminal” command and replace it as follows:

#set terminal x11 persist
set terminal pdf
set output "graph.pdf"

Figure 3: TPLT: Plot of the first trace in the file c008.seg. Units are microvolts if only instrument corrections have been applied. Of course that will change depending on the processing history.