This code can be used to see a brief description of all the BSU codes streamed to a terminal screen. You may wish to pipe it through less or more programs. For example:
 bhelp  | more
 bhelp  | less
Here is a partial output of using “bhelp | less”.
babs.c    rectify seismic traces                                         
bagc.c    automatic gain control of traces (scale in time and space)     
ba2s.c    FORMAT CONVERSION: ASCII TEXT ---> BSEGY (no geometry setting) 
bamp.F90  amplitude analysis by frequency (K-V Solid)Downhole Sph. Div.  
bamx.F90  amplitude analysis by frequency (K-V Solid)SurfaceWaves Cyl.Div
bbal.c    balances two data sets to have same MAV (mean absolute value)  
bcad.f    plot seismic traces as CAD (*.dxf; digital exchange file)      
bcar.c    apply moving average (box car) filter as function of time      
bcnv.c    FORMAT CONVERSION: BSEGY <---> SEG-Y  (BSU=*.seg, SEG-Y=*.sgy) 
bcrd.f    coordinate rotation and translation, BSEGY geometry headers    
bdat.c    datuming program for refraction data (easier for picking)      
bdcn.f    deconvolution (profile or trace mode), prediction or error out 
bdif.f    differentiates w.r.t. time using Bilinear Transform method     
bdum.f    generate dummy data set with user defined impulse position     
bdump.f   generate a dump of selected BSEGY header values                
bedt.f    edit BSEGY seismic file (traces, time, sample interval, etc.)  
bequ.c    trace equalize data by L2 norm or Maximum Absolute Value       
bext.c    extract traces from a merged data set based on header values   
bfil.f    ARMA FILTER of seismic traces (low-, band-, or high-pass)      
bfit.f    Solves for interval velocity from times in headers (VSP)       
bftr.f    FILTER traces with other *.seg traces, or namelist from bdump  
bfxt.f    F-X Transform of seismic traces                                
bgar.c    exponential GAIN recovery, by range specification              
bgaz.c    exponential GAIN recovery, by depth specification              
bhed.f    up/down load selected header information from/to a text file   
bhelp.c   this listing of BSU package contents                           
bhod.F90  hodogram by PCA to determine down-hole tool orientation        
bint.f    numerical integration of seismic traces (trapezoidal rule)     
bis2seg.c FORMAT CONVERSION: BISON ---> BSEGY  (no geometry setting)     
bkil.f    either kill (delete) or zero seismic traces                    
bmed.f    median mix of seismic traces (spatial)                         
bmix.f    mean mix of seismic traces (spatial)                           
bmrg.f    merge traces from many files to a single file                  
bmrk.f    mark first break picks with a delta function on waveform       
bmst.f    MASTER illustrates programing in BSU, FORTRAN                  
bnez.c    GEOMETRY: Create survey *.nez (Northing,Easting,Elevation) file
bnfd.c    MODELING:  computes near and far field in elastic whole space  
bnos.f    MODELING:  generate band-limited random noise traces