Classic minimum phase spiking decon when the prediction error option is chosen. Intended for reflection data with random reflections and minimum phase wavelet, can be run in trace or profile mode. However, it can be run on other data as a whitening operator, your mileage will vary. Command line arguments are:
 bdcn infile tmin tmax mpts stabf iprof imode 
 infile  =input file name 
 tmin    =Autocorrelation Gate: START  
 tmax    =Autocorrelation Gate: END 
 mpts    =Length of Decon Operator 
 stabf   =Stability Factor (ex: 0.01) 
 iprof   1=profile mode  0=trace mode 
 imode   1=Prediction 0=Prediction error
         Choose 0 for spiking decon

Examples of BDCN are shown in Figure 94.

Figure 94: BDCN: Input data are same as in Figure 91A.