The command line arguments are:
 bedt infil tmin tmax ifirst ilast idecm iantia 
 infil   =input file name to edit 
 tmin    =minimum time to extract data 
 tmax    =maximum time to extract data 
 ifirst  =first trace to extract (<0 pads left) 
 ilast   =last trace to extract (>ntraces pads right)
 idecm   =decimation factor (idecm>0)  
         =interpolation factor (idecm<0)  
     idecm=1 keep same sample interval    
     idecm=2 output every other sample
     idecm=-2 output samples between originals 
 iantia  =0 no anti-alias filter for resample
         =1 use anti-alias filter for resample

Figure 67 shows an example where a data set is resampled to include only 0 to 200 msec. of data, only first 6 traces, and interpolated to .00025 seconds per sample. The command:
bedt c008.seg 0 .2 1 6 -2
Sinc interpolation does not add any additional frequencies beyond the original Nyquist.

Figure 67: BEDT: (A) Original data, 48 traces, 0-1 seconds, .0005 second sample interval. (B) Edited to only first 6 traces, 0-0.2 seconds, interpolated to .00025 second sample interval.