An NEZ file can be transformed by scale, shift, and rotations using this program. The program does the same thing as program BCRD 10.1.16 (which operates on BSEGY, *.seg, format data). The command line arguments are:
topbcrd   infile   theta   sfact   x0   y0   z0
 infile  =input file name 
 theta   =angle (deg) from current to new x-axis 
    (+)theta counterclockwise (-)theta clockwise
 sfact   =units scale factor: (old)*(sfact)=(new) 
 x0      =X-offset in new coord. units 
 y0      =Y-offset in new coord. units 
 zo      =Y-offset in new coord. units
An example of modifying the TOP2NEZ 10.1.13 example above follows. The transform is 45 degree counter-clockwise rotation, scale factor = 1, shift of (20,20,0) meters. The point SP001 is at the origin, (0,0,0) in the original *.nez file. After transform, the point, SP001, is at (20,20,0). The grid rotates counter-clockwise (or the survey points appear rotated clockwise).
topbcrd samp0000.nez 45. 1. 20. 20. 0.
top2dxf samp0000.mod 0 1 .25

Figure 64 shows the modified survey file after plotting with Qcad. The new *.nez file is samp000.mod.

Figure 64: QCAD: Qcad plot of modified samp0000.nez file, samp0000.mod. Point SP001 is now at (20,20,0).