Example, BNEZ

The commands for a single shot gather, Bison data, are:
bnez 000001.nez 1 2 1 0 0 0 01 1 1 1 1
bnez 000002.nez 12 1 2 140. 0. 0. 01 10. 0. 0. 1
cp 000001.nez LOG001.nez
cat 000002.nez >>LOG001.nez
cat LOG001.nez

          1    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000 SP001
          2  140.000000    0.000000    0.000000 VP001
          3  150.000000    0.000000    0.000000 VP002
          4  160.000000    0.000000    0.000000 VP003
          5  170.000000    0.000000    0.000000 VP004
          6  180.000000    0.000000    0.000000 VP005
          7  190.000000    0.000000    0.000000 VP006
          8  200.000000    0.000000    0.000000 VP007
          9  210.000000    0.000000    0.000000 VP008
         10  220.000000    0.000000    0.000000 VP009
         11  230.000000    0.000000    0.000000 VP010
         12  240.000000    0.000000    0.000000 VP011
         13  250.000000    0.000000    0.000000 VP012
The next step is to combine the Bison file headers with the NEZ and produce an output *.xyz file:
 topcon LOG001.nez LOST0001 0001 0.0  1 12 001 012   1  0.   0   0   0   0
 cat LOST001.xyz
     lowcut=  16, highct= 500, year=1992, day=0303,
      line='0001', hour=17, minute=07,
     sdepth= 0.0, uphole=0.000, phone='VERT', srec= 001,
 001 0.0000    001      0.000      0.000      0.000    001      0.000    140.000      0.000   60 000 000 000 000
 002 0.0000    001      0.000      0.000      0.000    002      0.000    150.000      0.000   60 000 000 000 000
 003 0.0000    001      0.000      0.000      0.000    003      0.000    160.000      0.000   60 000 000 000 000
 004 0.0000    001      0.000      0.000      0.000    004      0.000    170.000      0.000   60 000 000 000 000
 005 0.0000    001      0.000      0.000      0.000    005      0.000    180.000      0.000   60 000 000 000 000
 006 0.0000    001      0.000      0.000      0.000    006      0.000    190.000      0.000   60 000 000 000 000
 007 0.0000    001      0.000      0.000      0.000    007      0.000    200.000      0.000   60 000 000 000 000
 008 0.0000    001      0.000      0.000      0.000    008      0.000    210.000      0.000   60 000 000 000 000
 009 0.0000    001      0.000      0.000      0.000    009      0.000    220.000      0.000   60 000 000 000 000
 010 0.0000    001      0.000      0.000      0.000    010      0.000    230.000      0.000   60 000 000 000 000
 011 0.0000    001      0.000      0.000      0.000    011      0.000    240.000      0.000   60 000 000 000 000
 012 0.0000    001      0.000      0.000      0.000    012      0.000    250.000      0.000   60 000 000 000 000

The final step is to use BIS2SEG 3.1.3 to convert the Bison file to *.seg, and then use BHED 10.1.4 to apply the headers to the *.seg file.

bis2seg LOST0001
bhed LOST0001.seg LOST0001.xyz 0
#plot the data by offset
bplt bhedLOST.seg 0 0 1 1 12 0 .5 1 4E-3 200
bdump bhedLOST.seg 0
cat bdump.lst

Figure 62: BNEZ: Plot of Bison file data with geometry added.
                     |   PARTIAL SEGY HEADER DUMP    |
                     |                               |
                     |         bhedLOST.seg          |
                     |                               |

   Length =  2000 samples             |  Shot Elevation =        0.0
   Sample Interval =    0.00020 sec.  |  Shot Depth =        0.0
   Delay Time =    0 msec.            |  Up Hole Time =     0 msec
   Low Cut Filter  =   16 Hz.         |  Shot X-COORD =       0.00
   High Cut Filter =  500 Hz.         |  Shot Y-COORD =       0.00
   Line ID: 0001                      |  Shot Date (year.moday) = 1992.0303
   Shot Orientation:                  |  Shot Time (hr:min)   = 17:07
   Azimuth=  0 Deg.  Vertical=  0 Deg.|  Charge Size (grams)=     0
   #  |REC.|SHOT  REC|       |  ELEV.  X-COORD   Y-COORD|FOLD|(SEC.)| (dB) |   |   |
    1 |   1|001  001 | 140.00|    0.00      0.00    140.00| 1|0.0000|   60 |  0|  0|
    2 |   1|001  002 | 150.00|    0.00      0.00    150.00| 1|0.0000|   60 |  0|  0|
    3 |   1|001  003 | 160.00|    0.00      0.00    160.00| 1|0.0000|   60 |  0|  0|
    4 |   1|001  004 | 170.00|    0.00      0.00    170.00| 1|0.0000|   60 |  0|  0|
    5 |   1|001  005 | 180.00|    0.00      0.00    180.00| 1|0.0000|   60 |  0|  0|
    6 |   1|001  006 | 190.00|    0.00      0.00    190.00| 1|0.0000|   60 |  0|  0|
    7 |   1|001  007 | 200.00|    0.00      0.00    200.00| 1|0.0000|   60 |  0|  0|
    8 |   1|001  008 | 210.00|    0.00      0.00    210.00| 1|0.0000|   60 |  0|  0|
    9 |   1|001  009 | 220.00|    0.00      0.00    220.00| 1|0.0000|   60 |  0|  0|
   10 |   1|001  010 | 230.00|    0.00      0.00    230.00| 1|0.0000|   60 |  0|  0|
   11 |   1|001  011 | 240.00|    0.00      0.00    240.00| 1|0.0000|   60 |  0|  0|
   12 |   1|001  012 | 250.00|    0.00      0.00    250.00| 1|0.0000|   60 |  0|  0|