Each row of an NEZ file provides the (Seq. Northing, Easting, Elevation, Tag). The Tag specifies either a source (SP) or geophone (VP, voltage point). One way of running the program is to run BNEZ twice to create shot.nez and phones.nez files which are then merged into a single NEZ file. Depending on if you have Bison or SEG-2 data recorded, use either program TOPCON 10.1.3 or TOPCON2 10.1.5 to generate *.xyz files that can be used by the BHED 10.1.4 program to set the geometry in the *.seg file headers.

The command line arguments are:

  bnez  outfile  n-points tag so yo xo zo ido dy dx dz did 
     outfile  = output file name (ex. aaaa0001.nez
     n-points = number of survey points to generate 
     tag      = 1 tag=VP
              = 2 tag=SP
     so       = first value of sequence number 
     yo       = northing of first point 
     xo       = easting of first point  
     zo       = elevation of first point 
     ido      = initial ID number        
     dy       = spacing between points in north direction 
     dx       = spacing between points in east direction  
     dz       = spacing in elevation between points  
     did      = interval in ID between points
